Monday, April 30, 2012

Seminar Summary.
The lack of human organs is still a worldwide issue. Unacceptable organ trading “Transplant tourism-organ trafficking” as illegal organ market an organ robbery still exist. An estimated number is that 5-10% of all kidney tr...ansplants is done with illegal organ trading/trafficking. To stop and prevent organ trafficking the Istanbul declaration was founded in 2008 to draw up strategies to stop organ trafficking and transplant tourism. (

Sweden has the highest donation will within the EU! But country’s as Spain and Norway performs more donations, why? This has probably to do with differences in this country’s donation system. Organ donation organization and doctors in Sweden are working towards a better system to better serve and use the amount of organs that are able for a transplant. The problem of losing organs because of lack within the health service system is an issue that needs to be addressed now; small changes in systems decision have a huge impact on the lack of organs in Sweden.

The number of donors differs between European member states. The basis for these differences may be cultural, social and historical factors in each country, and differences in the country's health care system and donation system.

Most people have a positive attitude towards organ donation but somehow we lack in informing our families, close ones in our wish. Families are not always informed of the possibility of organ donation and registrations are sometimes inadequate, therefor many donors are lost. It is essential to establish an effective system to identify people who may become donors after their death to increase the number of donations. The system must ensure that organs from people who want to become donors are really available. In several member states, the number of organ donations has increased thanks to the training and use of special health care professionals with responsibility for organizing the donation process and find people who can become donors after their death. Another way to increase the number of donors is to encourage donations from living donors. Such donations have increased in recent years, including since the risk for the donor is low and the results of the transplant has been shown to be good.

The sciences are making progress in there lab, it’s now possible to clone DNA to better match and fit the receivers body to lower the reaction risk and minimize the amount of medication. For example “researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy have produced a blood vessel from stem cells and then used it in an operation on a 10-year-old girl at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Surgeon and Professor Michael Olausson was able to create a new connection with the aid of this blood vessel between the liver and the intestines, necessary to cure the girl. The girl is now in good health, and her prognosis is very good.”

New technics make it possible to keep the organs in good shape before the transplant, for example lung-box that ventilate the lungs to maintain the oxygen. Again Sahlgrenska University Hospital is first in the world to use this new technique for the implementation of lung transplants. With the help of the “lung machine” they can help 20-30% more people each year to get new lungs in Sweden.

At last The Recycle Me project has a role within to raise the question to a conversation between friends, families and colleges. The idea of the project is to contribute so that it will be a discussion on the matter and that difficult questions can be answered. Hopefully this ultimately leads to that more people take an active stand for organ donation by signing up for donation.

To speak of death as we are alive. The difficulties of this conversation and decisions, but also the beauty within the conversation in consideration for each other.