Thursday, May 17, 2018

”No pienses en la donación de órganos como ofrecer una parte de ti para que desconocido pueda vivir ... 
... es en realidad un desconocido quien ofrece todo su cuerpo para que una parte de ti pueda seguir viviendo…” -
Fundación Carlos Sanz

Do not think about organ donation as offering a part of you so a stranger can live ...
... it is in fact, a stranger who offers his whole body so a part of you can continue living ... - Fundación Carlos Sanz
(free translated by RECYCLE ME)

This is Lorena Navarro Campo, we had the pleasure to meet her and asked her to talk about organ donation and how works in her country. Lorena comes from Barranquilla, Colombia but she lives and works in Sweden now, though she keeps close ties to her mother country. Her profession is as an industrial engineer, but she has other skills among she speaks three languages which comes in handy as she is an experience traveler.

“In Colombia it is presumed that everybody is a potential organ donor when a person during her/his life has abstained from exercising her/his right to oppose to donate after death.” Source: 

Since the law was created in 2016, the organ donation in my country has growth 30% and it is expected to grow more in the upcoming years. - Lorena Navarro Campo

Thank you, Lorena, for promoting organ donation awareness! In this photo she is wearing a RECYCLE ME kidney T-shirt. Together we make miracles! Spread the word – organ donation includes us all!